September 16, 2024


3 min read

The ultimate guide to starting your au pair journey with the Cultural Care app

The wait is over—the Cultural Care Au Pair app is here! The first-ever app designed to guide you through your entire au pair journey, from start to finish. Whether you're just starting out or getting ready to travel, our app has everything you need to make your experience smooth, exciting, and stress-free.

Curious to see how it works? Watch our teaser video below to get a sneak peek of how the app can help you navigate your entire au pair journey.

Ready to get started? Below, we’ll walk you through the steps to start your au pair journey, all from the palm of your hand.

Step 1: Create your account

Head to your mobile app store, download the Cultural Care Au Pair app, and sign up to create your account.

Step 2: Complete your profile & schedule an interview

Next, it’s time to create your profile. Don’t worry, it’s quick and simple—just answer a few questions about your background, childcare experience, and contact info. You’ll also share, preferences for your host family and travel dates. Do all of this on the go if you like!

Once your profile is set, you’re ready to schedule your interview with us.

Step 3: Match with a host family

After your interview, you'll enter the matching stage—and this is where the magic happens! Through the app’s chat feature, you can connect with host families who are interested in you. If you find a family that feels like the perfect fit, start chatting! You can even schedule phone and video calls directly in the app to get to know each other better.

When you find a family that feels just right and they choose you too, it’s a match! Celebrate that moment and keep in touch with your host family as you prepare for your adventure.

Step 4: Apply for your visa & finalize your prep

Now that you’re matched, it’s time to prepare for your big move. The app helps you stay on top of everything you need to do—from applying for your J-1 visa to uploading important documents. You’ll also have access to our Online Training School, where you can complete workshops to help you get ready for life as an au pair in the USA.

And remember, we’re here for you every step of the way. Just reach out through the app if you need any help.

Step 5: Travel to your host family

With your travel day approaching, the app will guide you through the final steps. From flight details to checklists and last-minute reminders, the app’s got you covered so nothing gets missed.

Step 6: Enjoy your time in the USA!

Once you’re in the USA and settled in with your host family, the app will continue to be your go-to resource. You can check out upcoming events, from local activities like baseball games, scavenger hunts and international potlucks to online support sessions or coffee chats with other au pairs. It's a great way to stay connected and make the most of your experience!

Bonus: All the support you need in one app

From starting your profile to preparing for your journey, the app has everything you need to feel confident and supported. You’ll have access to helpful articles, tutorials, the Cultural Care Virtual Assistant and staff support—making the process as smooth as possible. And whenever you need a quick overview, just head back to the home screen to see your current progress and the next steps in your journey.

If you decide to extend your au pair experience, it's never been easier! You can submit your extension application directly through the app.

Ready to start your au pair journey with confidence? Download the Cultural Care Au Pair app today and let it guide you every step of the way!